The Unbeaten Path

Todd Mumford – B2B Marketing Expert
Todd Mumford didn’t dream about success. He worked for it.
So how did this underprivileged drop-out become an acclaimed digital & B2B marketer, consulting the likes of Disney, GM and Telus? One word: perseverance.
Todd took an unorthodox path to success. After failing grade 10, he dropped out of high school, got a full-time job and partied in bands. Life was all fun and games until he decided to get serious six years later and finish high school and embark on university.
Classes in social work, leadership and critical incident stress sparked newfound motivation, leading to a job as a street youth recovery worker for four years. It fit well with the ‘give to receive’ values Todd’s Mother and Grandma, who raised him on their own, instilled in him.
“I became more motivated and fulfilled, day by day, and then knew I was ready for the next chapter of my life,” explained Todd.
Craving a creative path, he began teaching music full time while investing 4-5 hours a night learning about online marketing — all while supporting his young family. Two years later, he pushed university and teaching aside to freelance as a digital marketer. He launched his consulting business with $500, and was soon generating more than $5,000 of ad revenue monthly through his blog.
“The experience of being an entrepreneur helped me forge my skill set to the market instead of books and professors,” he said.
With a desire to develop and assemble the perfect blend of strategies, tactics and tools for a fail-proof marketing system, he started taking on bigger clients with consistent improvements in leads, sales and profitability. Through long hours and hard work, he delivered digital marketing advice to the likes of Disney, Telus, Century 21, Coldwell Banker, Dominion Lending Centre, Coast Capital Savings, GM Canada and Build Direct.
Then, in 2013, he launched Riverbed Marketing, a results-oriented B2B inbound marketing agency, based in Greater Vancouver. As a B2B marketer, his insatiable desire for process improvements and innovation led to the development of one of the most comprehensive inbound marketing systems in North America. In fact, the cost-effective, scalable B2B marketing system is the ‘engine’ of many marketing services offered by agencies across Canada and the US.
“Todd is a rare breed,” stated international Business Advisor Mark Wardell. “He’s all substance and no flash — opposite of what you generally find in the marketing industry.”
“Todd’s an amazing individual and entrepreneur,” agreed Rick Sloboda, Founder of Webcopy+. “He’s living proof that what makes the difficult path so valuable is not just the end result, but the character built along the way.”
Published Articles And Contributions
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From Ordinary to Extraordinary – How To Become a Social Media Superstar in 2016 –
Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing – Business2Community
Boost Your Business With Marketing Tips (Old and New) – Small Business Trends
15 Steps For Driving Inbound Marketing Results – Site Pro News
What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? – Rasmussen College